Facial implants or cheek implants or face implants can help you achieve facial contours and proportions you desire. You can consider facial implants if:
  1. You want to enhance the appearance and definition of your cheeks
  2. You want to restore youthful contour to your face
  3. You want to restore facial symmetry after accident or injury
  4. You want to restore natural youth by getting rid of obvious signs of aging
  5. You want to improve the appearance of your cheeks and jawline

Are You a Good Candidate for Facial Implants?

Dr. Turker Ozyigit can help you restore cheek fullness as well as improve the appearance of your facial structures. That’s right. If you wish to restore natural facial contour and correct facial asymmetry, look no further than facial implants by Dr. Turker Ozyigit.

During the initial consultation, Dr. Turker Ozyigit will discuss the different facial implant options you have. For example, he would recommend fat grating, bone repositioning or dermal grafting based on your unique anatomy and of course, the results you desire. Generally the procedure is safe and you can improve the appearance of your facial structures almost instantly.

How is the Procedure Performed?

If you are worried about a weak jaw, a small chin or lack of natural, youthful facial contour, facial implants by Dr. Turker Ozyigit may benefit you. The exact type of facial implants you require precise evaluation of your goal, the results you desire, features you wish to correct and most importantly, Dr. Ozyigit’s judgment.

While facial implants can work for almost every area of your face, your cheeks, chin and the jawline are the most common sites chosen for the procedure.

Chin implants can correct the proportion of the chin with your facial features and forehead. Jawline impact as the name suggests can make your jaw well defined and distinct. Interestingly even minor corrections to your cheek and chin structure can help you get rid of facial imbalance instantly.

You also have the option to go for cheek implants. These implants can add volume and fullness to your cheeks that appear flat.

Facial implants generally are made of silicone rubber. If you prefer a natural contour, you can opt for 3mm silicone implant. Some of our clients who wanted a more dramatic effect decided to choose silicone implants that were 5 or 6mm in thickness. While you can get facial implants custom designed, such implants are more time consuming and expensive.

A facial implant procedure can involve the following steps:

Anesthesia – medication will be administered to ensure your comfort during the process. Dr. Turker Ozyigit will recommend genera or local anesthesia depending on what’s best for you.

Cheek implants are placed through small incisions made in the mouth. Additional incisions might be made if implants have to be placed inside the lower eyelid or your hairline. Chin implants use incisions made under jawline or sometimes as in jawline implants, incisions made inside the mouth especially along the crease. All incisions are closed using dissolvable sutures.

Remember that the outcome of the implants is noticeable almost immediately. However it can take several weeks for the results to become obvious. Also, you have to follow the post surgery care instructions to avoid complications.

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