Do You Desire a Symmetrical Nose?

Rhinoplasty, also known as nose reshaping or nose job can enhance facial appearance and balance the proportions of your nose. It is also done to get rid of visible bumps and depressions on the nose bridge.

Nose job can also help correct enlarged or bulbous nasal tip. People who have large, wide nostrils can also achieve nasal symmetry with the help of Rhinoplasty.

Can Rhinoplasty Correct a Deviated Septum?

Nose surgery or Rhinoplasty is more than just a simple procedure to balance nose size or correct the size and position of the nostrils. Sometimes Rhinoplasty is done to improve obstructions in nasal structures related to breathing and airflow. That’s right. Rhinoplasty has been used successfully to correct a deviated septum and other structural defects in the nose.

Stages of Rhinoplasty Surgery

There are six main stages of a Rhinoplasty surgery when performed by Dr. Turker Ozyigit.

1st Stage or Anesthesia involves general anesthesia. Remember that these medications are administered to ensure your comfort during the entire surgical procedure.

2nd Stage of the surgery involves making the incision. Rhinoplasty can involve closed incisions (these cuts remain hidden inside the nose) or open incisions. Open incisions are made along the narrow tissue that separates the nostrils. Dr Turker will gently raise the skin that covers the nasal cartilages and bones to reshape the nasal structure.

3rd Stage: An overly large nose can be reduced by removing part of your nasal cartilage. If needed, Dr. Turker can go for cartilage grafting to reshape the nose structure.

4th Stage: If there are problems with nasal septum, Dr. Turker can correct the deviation to improve breathing.

5th Stage: Once the restructuring has been done and your nose is sculpted to the desire shape, Dr. Turker Ozyigit will drape the skin and tissue into place and close the incisions.

6th Stage: For a few days, you might have to wear splints and dressings to support the nose as it heals. You will be guided more about post surgery care to avoid the risk of complications during the initial consultation.

Rhinoplasty Care

While initial swelling can subside within a few weeks, it may take several months for your new nose shape to become fully refined. As stated earlier, Dr. Turker Ozyigit will give you specific post surgery care instructions that will include:

  • How to care for the surgical site
  • Medication to assist healing and reduce chances of infection
  • Any potential signs of concern you need to look out for
  • When to follow up after the procedure is successfully done

Is Rhinoplasty Right for Me?

If you are unhappy with the shape, appearance or the size of your nose or your nose is too large or too small, you can consider a nose job. Similarly, if you have breathing problems or there is an unusual bump on the nose, setting up an appointment with Dr. Turker Ozyigit about Rhinoplasty is the right thing to do.

To know more about how Rhinoplasty works and the options you have, contact us today.

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