Dramatic weight loss and natural aging frequently results in sagging skin. A lower body lift surgery can sculpt the buttocks and enhance the appearance of your thighs, hips and abdomen. This aesthetic procedure can be performed before or after an upper body lift.

Who Should Consider a Lower Body Lift?

You can think about getting a lower body lift done if excess fat in the thighs, abdomen and buttock restrict your mobility. Most patients who opted for a lower body lift after drastic weight loss are quite pleased with the results. A lower body lift can also address loose skin on the sides and front of your thighs, abdomen and your inner thighs. This procedure is quite effective when it comes to removing loose skin. Once your contour will be sculpted, you will experience improved confidence and self esteem.

How is a lower body lift performed?

A complete lower body lift can sculpt your buttocks, hips, waist, abdomen and thighs in one procedure. Basically Dr. Turker will first create an incision to remove excess skin and fat in the hips and thighs and tighten your tissues. You will be positioned on your tummy or side during this procedure.

Once your buttocks and thighs have been addressed, you will be positioned on your back so that your waist and abdomen can be treated. Sometimes a lower body lift is combined with abdominal contouring for more dramatic results.

The incisions made during the procedure will be closed with sutures or skin adhesives to control swelling and stretching. To achieve best possible results, some patients decide to go for a liposuction to smooth and contour the areas that are included in the lower body lift procedure. As you can guess, removing excess fat from the thighs and buttocks makes it easier to contour and sculpt the areas and help you reach your desired goal.

Abdominal contouring or tummy tuck is another common cosmetic procedure that is frequently combined with a lower body lift.

How will my scars look like?

The incision made for a lower body lift is designed to remain hidden in your bikini or underwear. You can discuss your preference with Dr. Turker Ozyigit during initial consultation.

When Should You Consider an Upper Body Lift?

Upper body lift, as the name suggests is a cosmetic procedure that helps remove sagging skin in the upper arm or fat rolls along the back. If you have lost weight or you are not pleased with the contours of your upper body, you can consider getting this procedure done.

Patients who decide to undergo the procedure are put under general anesthesia. If you want to tone your upper arms, Dr. Turker will make an incision under the armpit or along the back of your arm. Excess or sagging skin will then be removed and the incision will be closed.

If you want to get a breast lift done, Dr. Turker will make at least 3 incisions depending on the shape and contours of your chest. Patients who want excess fat removed from their back will have incisions made in the desired area.

To know more about how a body lift procedure can help you, get in touch with us today.

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