Menopause Related Laser Treatments Can Improve Your Quality of Life

Menstruating women go through a lot of pain and discomfort during that time of the period. During your period, the wall of muscle surrounding your vagina thins, increasing the risk of several different types of health complications.

After menopause, the vagina becomes dry and much more prone to infections. This complex phenomenon can also result in many urinary problems as well. The effects of these changes can be very drastic on some women’s life. While it is only a discomfort for some, menopause can have a huge effect on the quality of life for a lot of women.

In some women these effects are so strong that they are not able to have sex again. Any sexual activity is a source of great pain for them, which as a result affects their married life as well.

Laser Treatments Are the Solution

The advancement of laser technology has given surgeons all over the world the power to treat menopause related issues and make life less discomforting for aging women. The best thing about these treatments is that they treat the underlying cause of menopause related issues, not just the symptoms. What this means is that women can live a happy life after the surgery without fearing that the pain and discomfort will return again.

The laser technology that is put to use for menopause related treatments is SmartXide CO2 laser. This is the advanced form of a surgical laser, which is not as harsh as the flat laser beam used by plastic surgeons in the past. SmartXide laser breaks into several small beams before falling onto the surface that is being treated. Using this technology, surgeons are able to remodel the vaginal muscles, stimulate the production of collagen and improve blood flow in the vaginal region. The dehydration issue is also resolved, which is the main reason why sex becomes painful for women after menopause.

What Is the Treatment Like?

This is one of the fastest treatments performed by plastic surgeons. Your surgeon will use the laser to create very small perforations in your vaginal lining to boost the production of collagen. This type of remodeling promotes the growth of healthier tissue. If there is an experienced surgeon performing the treatment, they will complete it within 15 minutes. In fact, most surgeons complete the procedure within 5 minutes. You will not need any type of anesthesia because the treatment is so quick and painless. While the treatment is very short in duration, you will need at least three treatments in total to get the best results. On most occasions, your surgeon will perform each treatment with an interval of at least 5 to 6 weeks.

After one year, the patient might experience the symptoms again. This is why it is recommended that you get this treatment at least once every year.

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