Mesotherapy for Face Rejuvenation

Modern technology has put people in a position where they can choose from dozens of different treatments for making their faces look younger and rejuvenated again. New methods are being discovered every day, and the possibilities of looking beautiful, young and rejuvenated are increasing. A good deciding factor for patients to choose the right treatment is to look at the side effects of each treatment. Mesotherapy for face rejuvenation has become famous because of its minimal side effects and easy procedure.

What Is Mesotherapy?

Plasma is the yellow colored part of your blood which is separated from blood during this treatment. Mesotherapy involves the removal of blood from the patient’s own body and then centrifuging it to separate plasma from it. Once the plasma has been collected, it is made richer with the addition of calcium ions and nucleotides. This process activates the platelets, which then results in the production of growth factors. This plasma along with its added activation agents and growth factors is then injected into facial areas where work is needed.

What Is Mesotherapy Used For?

Mesotherapy is used on various parts of the body for various functions. The treatment is considered a great solution for stretch marks and scars left on the face after acne. It can even heal scars and sagging skin on the back, neck, and chest of a person. Since it has reconstructive qualities, it boosts the production of collagen and elastin under your skin. These are the proteins that make your skin firm and fair. After the treatment, you will notice your skin looking more vibrant and healthier. However, the results are not instantaneous.

What Is the Procedure?

Nearly 10 to 15ml of blood is taken from the patient, and the platelets are activated by adding activating agents to it. Before injecting the blood into your face, the surgeon might use topical anesthesia to number the face. Some surgeons also use derma rolls to inject the contents deeper into the skin. You will notice the improvement in your skin quality nearly two weeks after you have gone through the procedure. The redness that might show up on your skin after the treatment takes only a couple of hours to go away.

Why Mesotherapy?

First, this is a natural way of rejuvenating your facial beauty. It uses your blood, and so the side effects of any synthetic substances are avoided. Since the blood is taken from your body, you don’t have to worry about any allergies as well. This procedure also makes sense to people who don’t want to go under surgery. It is a great solution for sagging and wrinkly skin wherein you are not filling the area with some substance but helping the skin rejuvenate naturally.

Choosing Your Surgeon

Harmonia Surgical Tourism can help you look youthful again through Mesotherapy for facial rejuvenation. Our licensed professionals have done it many times so that you can come to us without any reluctance. Avoid cheap treatments and unknown surgeons because when done wrong, these treatments can result in serious problems.

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