What Can a Neck Lift Correct?

A neck lift can help you get rid of the visible signs of aging in the neck and jawline. You can opt for the procedure to eliminate excess fat in the lower face that creates jowls as well as annoying fat deposits under the chin that create abnormal contours.

It’s not surprising that the loss of youthful contour in the neck is depressing. There are many factors to blame including environmental stress, sun exposure, natural body aging and the effects of gravity.  A neck lift can help you add fullness to the jawline and neck and reduce the appearance of sagging skin and fatty deposits. What you need to remember is that a neck lift changes your neck appearance drastically but more importantly, it doesn’t stop the aging process.

Am I the Right Candidate for a Neck Lift?

A neck lift can significantly improve the appearance of your neck and jawline. If you feel that you have lost the youthful jawline and there is excess skin and wrinkles on your neck, you can go for a neck lift to achieve a sleeker neck and jawline appearance.

How is the Neck Lift Procedure Performed?

Dr. Turker Ozyigit will decide whether you need a full neck lift (i.e. the procedure which requires incisions to be made under the chin, behind ears) or a neck liposuction which can also be performed with a laser prob. If incisions are needed, Dr. Turker will carefully trim excess fat and skin and then reposition connective skin and tissue before the incision is secured.

Depending on the extent of the surgery and the results you desire, small incision will be made under the chin or behind the ear. A traditional neck lift begins at the level of the sideburn and continues around the ear. Dr. Turker Ozyigit will then sculpt or redistribute fat from the neck and reposition the underlying skin. If a laser assisted liposuction is performed, there will be no scar at all as laser prob is at the same size of a local anesthesia needle.

What Can I Expect?

You would notice visible improvement in your neck and jawline appearance as soon as minor bruising and swelling subside. Most of Dr. Ozyigit’s clients return to their normal life 2 to 3 days after a minor procedure. In addition to a more youthful appearance, getting a neck lift can also help you feel more confident about yourself.

How long does it take for the Scars and Bruises to Heal?

Well, if a small incision is made, the recovery is fairly quick and on most occasions, minor procedures are performed using local anesthesia. You might be asked to wear a special supportive neck strap for 2 to 3 weeks and you should return to full activity within a week. More extensive procedures can take two to four weeks to heal completely and they involve general anesthesia.

Remember that in most cases, you can return to your daily life within two weeks as swelling and bruises would subside. Dr. Turker Ozyigit will guide you about the preoperative and post surgery care during the initial consultation. To know more about neck lifts and how you can improve the appearance of your neck and jawline, contact us today.

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